RED Widget Directory
Agent Widgets created for Bootstrap 3
utilizes jquery 1.7.2 and bootstrap javascript 3.1.1Mortgage Calculator
{{Widget.Custom WidgetID="2534" Name="Mortgage Calculator (Directory Version)"}}
Quick Search
{{Widget.Custom WidgetID="3536" Name="Agent/Office use QS Widget (Directory version)"}}
Agent or Office Contact Widget

Agent Name
Mobile: 123-456-7892
Office: 123-456-7890 Ext:1234
Toll Free: 800-123-4567
{{Widget.Custom WidgetID="3217" Name="Agent Contact Widget (Directory version)"}}
Discover Your Home's Value
{{Widget.Custom WidgetID="3537" Name="Discover Your Home's Value (Directory version)"}}
3 Continuous Widgets
{{Widget.Custom WidgetID="3538" Name="Continuous Widgets (Directory Version)"}}
Testimonial Carousel
Minimal styling is applied for layout/presentation puprosesWhat My Clients Are Saying
- Testimonial 1 Title
- Testimonial 2 Title
- Testimonial 3 Title
{{Widget.Custom WidgetID="3539" Name="Testimonial Carousel - Agent (Directory Version)"}}
Explore Communities
Form/input field only shown
{{Widget.Custom WidgetID="3545" Name="Explore Communities (Directory Version)"}}
Mortgage Rates (3rd party defunct)
{{Widget.Custom WidgetID="3546" Name="Mortgage Rates (Directory Version)"}}
3 Agent Actions Carousel
Images are shown inline for demo. purposes. Images need to be applied via your css to the img tag
Meet Ashley Smith
Ashley Smith is a licensed REALTOR. Ashley Smith has dedicated this site to help you in finding just the right home. Send me a note to find out more information about how they can put you in the home of your dreams.
Contact me
Find Homes for Sale
Use my property search to find all available homes for sale. Each detail page features an in depth neighborhood profile including market trends and homes that have sold nearby.
Find Homes for Sale
Find Properties on the Go
Ashley Smith's mobile website allows you to search, view and save properties on the go. Your Android, iPhone or Blackberry just pushed you one step closer to your next home.
Find Properties
{{Widget.Custom WidgetID="3548" Name="Agent Action Carousel (Directory version)"}}
RECO Widgets created for Bootstrap 3
utilizes jquery 1.7.2 and bootstrap javascript 3.1.1Find an Agent/Office
Get local expertise to help you sell your existing property or to buy
Explore Communities
Learn more about our communities, schools, quality of life and more
{{Widget.Custom WidgetID="4120" Name="3 Continuous Widgets (Directory Version)"}}